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Corporate Social Responsibility

Cycle Recycle Newry

(L-R) Amanda Johnston, Gerard Hughes and Niall Martindale

In support of #SocialSaturday17 on 14th October 2017, a UK-wide initiative promoting the support of social enterprises, firmus energy are highlighting the extraordinary work of ex- firefighter and local Newry man, Gerard Hughes. Gerard has devoted the last four years to promoting affordable fitness and well-being in Newry and beyond through his unique social enterprise, Cycle Recycle.

Following his retirement, Gerard stumbled upon an astonishing amount of bicycles at Newry Amenity Centre that were waiting to be crushed. He explained, “It was frustrating to see bikes going to waste that were in perfectly good condition.” Inspired to make a change, Gerard persevered and proceeded to secure a contract with the council to obtain all unwanted bikes from eight local amenity sites for servicing, refurbishment and resale. From that day Cycle Recycle was born.

Starting out with one bike, one bike rack and one car, Cycle Recycle has flourished into a thriving business thanks to the hard work of Gerard and his team. Gerard has also received support and guidance from Social Enterprise NI, a representative body for all social enterprises in Northern Ireland. Amanda Johnston (Membership & Networking Executive) has assisted Gerard over the last four years and recently introduced Cycle Recycle to local natural gas company, firmus energy who are delighted to be offering their support. Amanda expressed, “Over the last few years I have got to know Gerard’s work in Cycle Recycle Newry and thought that the practical support firmus energy could offer would be very beneficial.”

Gerard’s vision is to improve the mental, physical and emotional well-being of local and neighbouring communities, and with support from firmus energy Gerard can continue to make this vision a reality. He claimed, “I am delighted that such a reputable company is wanting to help to raise the profile of Cycle Recycle Newry through providing sponsorship, resources and additional marketing support. This will be very beneficial to Cycle Recycle in the long term.”

firmus energy are committed to support Cycle Recycle in making a positive contribution to local communities. firmus energy’s Niall Martindale (Director of Regulation and Pricing) is an advocate of Cycle Recycle and stated, “Corporate Social Responsibility is the cornerstone to all of our business activities. firmus energy continually work to give back to the community and through our ongoing relationship with Social Enterprise NI, firmus energy are now proud to offer support to Cycle Recycle. Gerard’s vision, hard work and commitment to improving the wellbeing of these communities made our decision to support this social enterprise an easy one.”  

Over the course of 4 years Gerard has refurbished over 3,000 bikes and successfully sold 1,700 back into the community. In support of Cycle Recycle this #SocialSaturday17, if you have any old or unwanted bikes that need a new home, or if you are interested in purchasing a bike, contact Gerard Hughes on 07759723623 or go through the Cycle Recycle Newry Facebook page.             


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