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In the community

A Beacon of Hope with Lighthouse

Local natural gas supplier, firmus energy has partnered with leading suicide prevention and crisis support charity Lighthouse as part of its annual nominated ‘charity of the year’.

The charity was established in 2003 to address exceptionally high levels of suicide in North Belfast and now provides support throughout Northern Ireland to families who have lost loved ones and for individuals who are in crisis.

firmus energy’s dedicated fundraising committee has an exciting calendar of activity planned for the year ahead including  team building challenges, lunch and learn sessions and sponsored walks to help raise vital funds for the charity. They are also entering two relay teams in the Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon.

Rochelle Magee who sits on the firmus energy fundraising committee commented:

‘’At firmus energy, as well as bringing the option of natural gas to thousands of homes and businesses, we are focused on ensuring that we make a positive contribution to local communities across Northern Ireland. Every January our staff vote for its nominated charity of the year and this year Lighthouse was a clear leader among our employees.

‘’We often take our mental health for granted, but Lighthouse is there for people when they have nowhere else to turn. In addition to the fundraising efforts, we’re also hosting mental health workshops for employees.”

Lighthouse Co-founder Jo Murphy welcomed firmus energy’s support:

“One in four adults will be diagnosed with mental health problems in their life time. For some, that may mean being depressed, feeling hopeless, anxious or suicidal.

“Our crisis intervention service gives an opportunity to speak with someone to help give you a different perspective, talk about how you feel in a safe non-judgmental environment and is a route to access other services.

“The support firmus energy is offering will go towards sustaining these lifesaving services and help grow our youth mentoring programme.”

Lighthouse services include crisis intervention, family bereavement support, one-to-one counselling, alternative therapies and youth programmes.

If you or someone you know needs to talk, Lighthouse is just a phone call away on 028 9075 5070.


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