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Primary school pupils take part in firmus energy construction safety talk

School children from The Mount St Catherine's

Interactive safety talk

Children at Mount St Catherine's Primary School recently participated in an interactive safety talk delivered by firmus energy to learn about natural gas, how it is installed and about the potential dangers of playing near construction activity. Aimed specifically at children aged between 7 and 11, the presentation from the health and safety specialists at the local natural gas company, explained the risks of playing on or near machinery, the dangers of holes and trenches and general site safety. Ciaran Brennan, engineer for firmus energy explained: “We have been building out a natural gas network across Northern Ireland for almost nine years now and are continuing to work hard to extend our network and offer the benefits of this more cost and energy efficient fuel to as many people as possible.

Danger near construction sites

“This does require us and our contractors, McNicholas Construction, to dig trenches in the various areas in which we work.  We understand in these instances that children can be curious about what we are doing and so believe it is important to educate the children of the dangers of playing near construction areas.

Welcoming firmus energy to the school

“While the presentation is delivered in a fun and interactive way, there is a serious message behind it. We hope to let them see, in a safe environment, what it is that we are doing and to make them aware that the construction zones are not suitable play areas. We would ask parents to reinforce this message - and ensure they keep children away from holes and trenches and machinery rather than risking any kind of accident."

Head Teacher Mr Gildea said:

"I was delighted to welcome firmus energy and McNicholas Construction in the school to give the pupils some information about the extensive work that has been undertaken at the school recently. This ensured a complete conversion to natural gas energy. The presentation was very enjoyable and most informative. We thank all those involved."

firmus energy is currently working in the Armagh area to make gas available to more homes and businesses. The company has more than 70,000 customers across Northern Ireland.

About the Author

Image: Angeline Murphy - firmus energy PR, Sponsorships & Events
Angeline Murphy, Marketing Manager

Angeline Murphy manages all areas of Public Relations, Sponsorships, Events and is the Marketing Manager for firmus energy.


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