Contact Us
You can find most of the answers to your queries in our help & advice section. If it's just a friendly voice you need to talk to, then just give us a call on our number below.
Customer Services | 0330 024 9000 |
Gas - 24 Hour Northern Ireland Gas Emergency Service | 0800 002 001 |
NI Emergency Line minicom/ textphone only: | 0800 7314 710 |
Dial Before You Dig | 0330 2367 091 |
firmus energy network customers: ‘Dial B4U Dig’ service provides information, advice and maps on the firmus energy natural gas network. Further info can be obtained here.
Greater Belfast customers: Please contact Phoenix Natural Gas; your network provider, for more information.
Press Enquiries
PR | 07591 626 371 (24/7) |
Quick Check Scheme
Quick Check Scheme | 101 |
firmus energy is part of the Quick Check Scheme. Call the police on 101 to check the validity of someone calling at your door.