Budgeting the cost of your renovation
If you need the gas apparatus removed during the project and/or reinstalled, there will be a cost involved. If this is done in conjunction with firmus energy, it allows you to budget the cost and allows firmus energy to plan the work, which ensures there are no delays in your renovation project.
Emergency works
If it is not planned and emergency works are required, the costs can significantly increase. If there is damage caused to the apparatus, it can also put you and others at risk.
Budgeting the cost of your renovation
If you need the gas apparatus removed during the project and/or reinstalled, there will be a cost involved. If this is done in conjunction with firmus energy, it allows you to budget the cost and allows firmus energy to plan the work, which ensures there are no delays in your renovation project.
Emergency works
If it is not planned and emergency works are required, the costs can significantly increase. If there is damage caused to the apparatus, it can also put you and others at risk.