Error codes for Libra 100 & Libra 110 Prepayment meter
Error Codes for Libra 100 Libra 110 meters

Code 01
- This code may indicate ‘card not valid’.
- Try and clear the error by inserting the card gold chip facing down
If your meter shows Error 06 this signifies a card fault so you will need to buy a new firmus card. You’ll then need to register your new card to the meter and then purchase a top up.
If you meter shows Error 01 with gold chip facing down please contact us via email and provide address & contact telephone number or alternatively call us on 0330 024 9000
Code 02
- This code may indicate ‘Supplier code incorrect’.
This normally occurs when you use another natural gas supplier’s card (i.e. SSE Airtricity Gas). It’s best to purchase a firmus energy gas card.
A new card can be bought at most shops with a paypoint symbol. Cost of cards is £4.00 and a store can be located at - You’ll then need to register your new card to the meter and then purchase a top up.
Code 03
- This code may indicate ‘Credit expired’.
Credit only lasts for 6 months on the card. Please send your card into our offices with a covering letter giving your name, address, contact number and brief explanation of the issue with the card and request a refund for this amount. The firmus energy address can be found here
Has your credit been topped up less than six months ago?
If so, please contact us via email and provide your address & contact telephone number or alternatively call us on 0330 024 9000
Code 04
- This code may indicate ‘Meter credit full’.
- The meter will not allow more than 1800M³.
You will need to bring you natural gas usage below the maximum amount; by burning gas. Once the gas falls below 1800M³ you will be able to top up more gas.
Code 05
- This code may indicate ‘Communication failed with meter’.
Please email and provide your address & contact telephone number or alternatively
call us on 0330 024 9000
Code 06
- This code may indicate ‘Communication failed with the card’.
This normally means there are dirty contacts or the card is not registered.
Try cleaning the chip on the card with a soft cloth, or an eraser and insert the card gold chip facing upwards and retry. You can also try blowing into the meter slot as dust and grime can potentially build up. If the issue remains please buy a new card and retry pairing to the meter.
If the new card does not resolve the fault please contact us via email and provide your address & contact telephone number or alternatively call us on 0330 024 9000
Code 07
- This code may indicate ‘Low Battery’.
Please contact us via email provide your address & contact telephone number or alternatively call us on 0330 024 9000
Code 08
Have you recently switched to firmus energy? Have you topped up more than £20.00 whilst picking up your ‘change of supply’ message? If yes, please contact us via email and provide your address & contact telephone number or alternatively call us on 0330 024 9000
If you have not recently switched to firmus energy an Error 08 will signify that the operation is not possible, this can occur when transferring credit from Top-Up card to the meter. To transfer credit to the meter, simply insert card, no buttons need to be pressed as credit will automatically transfer.
Code 09
- This code could indicate that there is a System fault.
- Please contact us via email and provide your address & contact telephone number or alternatively call us on 0330 024 9000
In case of an Emergency
Please contact us on 0330 024 9000, we are here Mon to Thurs: 9am to 5pm
Fri: 9am to 3:45pm. Alternatively if our offices are closed you can contact the 24 Hour Northern Ireland Gas Emergency Service on 0800 002 001 for further assistance.
Useful Telephone numbers
Housing Executive on 03448 920 901
firmus energy on 0330 024 9000
Northern Ireland Gas Emergency line on 0800 002 001
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